
Showing posts from February, 2023

Keelan Leyser

 Keelan Leyser is a renowned tech magician, mentalist, digital illusionist, keynote speaker, quick change artist, and futurist, widely acknowledged as one of the world’s leading practitioners of the art. Zoom Magician

Performing Magic for Kids

 Children do not apprehend the various not unusual cues in a live performance. Most children are raised inside the age of television. Not a terrible factor, besides the snort tracks set off the kids when to snort. No chortle tracks and the youngsters are left out within the cold. They are quick and will get up to hurry right away. But they need your help. The equal issue is even more elaborate with applause. Children are not used to clapping. They don't recognize applause cues. Those wonderfully timed applause cues will leave you and your target audience with quite a few uncomfortable silence. What may be done? Everything. One of your maximum vital obligations as a children's magician is your commencing. The beginning of your display have to do four matters: Establish target audience manipulate Teach the kids to react to applause cues Set the tone for the show Introduce your performing personality The audience wishes to be warmed up prior to your magic show. It appears hokey an